Watchdog on Wall Street: Podcast for Weekend of November 9 - November 10 20

Trump Needs to Be the Ringmaster. The Fix Was on and the Red Mirage. Our Elections Are an Authoritarian Crooked Process. The Future is One Party Rule. Media Blame Game. Post Election Investment Road Map. True Investment Wisdom. The New York Yankees and Your Portfolio. Jim Cramer Didn’t Disappoint. The usual crap from the Too Big To Fail Crowd. End of the Republican Party?? Remember the Tea Party?? Red Tape Nation. Subsidies Kill Innovation. Growing out of debt? Florida is Fascist?? God Bless RFK Jr. Are we in a recession Average Homebuyer is 56!!?? Squirrel’s Racoons and the 2nd Amendment. RIP in Bernie Marcus. Show Me the Money!! Europe is circling the drain. Pundit Inc. Can we grow our way out of debt? Natural Disasters Shame.

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