Watchdog on Wall Street: Podcast for Weekend of January 18 - January 19 202

What is Stupid?? Reality Of the Terrain and a Fundamental Review. Demonic Musical Chairs. Plutonomy! Inflation Reality! Serious Economic Headwinds. ESG Blowing Up 401k’s. California Fires…Fix the Problem rather than fix the blame? Forget It Jack…It’s Chinatown. Save the Shrub!!!! Don Quixote for Windmill Czar! California Suspends Regulations?? Why is Nippon Steel a National Security Threat? Job Losses and AI. Against the Gods. Insurance Lies and Delusions. Inoculation From Bad Choices. ROI on Taxes Game of Thrones in Washington D.C. Elizabeth Warren Tries to Make Nice. Nice Jacket Bro!

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